how long to reheat food in microwave to kill bacteria

Place the sealed bag in a saucepan filled with simmering water and heat until the meat is hot. All reheating methods result in some nutrient loss. This article provides instructions for safe and tasty reheating of leftovers. This shouldn’t take longer than a couple of minutes. In a 2011 study, researchers purchased more than 400 plastic containers designed to contain food, and found that the majority leaked chemical that disrupt hormones. You should keep the heat low to avoid overcooking. If you have time to spare, this is the best way to reheat steak to keep it tender and flavorful. Place in a steamer or rack over boiling water in a covered pan. The steak will be ready once warm (100–110°F or 37–43°C) — but not piping hot — at the center. However, you are guaranteed a hot and crispy leftover pizza. Food waste is a bigger problem than many people realize. Even if you avoid plastics, there are other potential risks of heating food in the microwave – including uneven heating, and the high temperatures used. This option is perfect for keeping steak moist and scrumptious. Schwartz asked her students to boil their potatoes instead, and found that this didn’t create acrylamide, which she says forms in higher temperatures in the microwave. Place the steak on a wire rack inside a baking tray. Next time you want to eat what's left in your fridge, you might want to be careful and avoid reheating these 11 foods in the microwave, as they could be harmful to your health or your microwave. Once defrosted, refrigerate and eat within 3–4 days. After cooking, you can give the steak a quick sear in the pan if you like. The radiation in microwaves is completely harmless (Credit: Getty Images). Although it’s a less popular option, chicken and other meats can certainly be reheated on the stovetop. Reheating meat in a microwave is certainly the quickest option. It doesn’t work well if you have more than one steak to reheat. If you liked this story, sign up for the weekly features newsletter, called “The Essential List”. Ensuring leftovers are cooled quickly, stored correctly and reheated thoroughly means that you can enjoy them without fear of becoming sick. However, microwaving in gravy or broth is quicker and can still keep it moist. In severe cases, food poisoning can even cause death (1). Your goal is to reduce the time a food is in the "danger zone" — between 40 and 140 F (4 and 60 C) — when bacteria can quickly multiply. As for the radiation in microwaves, it is completely harmless. Instead, reheat food on a lower heat (around 200-250 degrees) and add a dash of oil or butter to keep the meat moist. Microwaves use low frequency electromagnetic radiation – the same kind used in lightbulbs and radios. Hot Holding (135°F or hotter) Because cooking does not kill all bacteria, cooked potentially hazardous food must be kept hot until served. The methods are as follows: Using the oven to reheat food: If equipment is not suitable for reheating, or is not used properly, the food might not get hot enough to kill bacteria. Microwaving and steaming caused a loss in phenolic content in squash, peas and leeks, but not in spinach, peppers, broccoli or green beans. This is a quick and easy way to heat up your leftover casserole or one-pot dish. A handpicked selection of stories from BBC Future, Culture, Worklife, and Travel, delivered to your inbox every Friday. In particular, a lot of research was carried out by scientists at the Army Natick Research and Development Laboratories in Massachusetts, US, around the safety of microwaves, which went a long way to allaying concerns. If you have time, the best way to reheat steak for taste and texture is in the oven. “This process is used in laboratories to extract pollutants from samples, prior to chemical analysis.”, And the potential risks don’t necessarily increase with how often an individual microwaves food in plastic containers, Trasande argues – as the relationship is non-linear between the amount of chemical exposure and risk of hormone disruption.Â. Despite being a kitchen workhorse for decades, few household items have been more divisive than the microwave. To mark the end of a turbulent year, we are bringing back some of our favourite stories for BBC Future’s “Best of 2020” collection. Discover more of our picks here. Flip the filet over regularly to ensure even heating. However, reheating will take longer if the food is not completely thawed. Microwaving, on the other hand, is quick — but makes breaded or battered fish soggy. They have been found to disrupt hormones and our metabolic system. Below are some good options for reheating rice. If the rice is stuck together, break it up with a fork. Add the rice to a microwavable dish alongside a sprinkle of water. This article explains how various cooking methods affect the…. To minimise risk, microwave food in a material that isn’t plastic, such as ceramic (Credit: Getty Images). Carefully place the pizza on the hot baking tray. Reheating chicken and certain red meats can often lead to dried, tough food. However, certain reheating methods retain flavor and moisture. “If you’re eating crops grown from sunlight, you shouldn’t be concerned about food from a microwave.”. Â. Bisphenol (BPA) is also commonly used in plastic products, and studies have suggested it may also disrupts hormones. Microwaving is the quickest option — but often results in a soggy meal. However, quick cooking times and reduced exposure to liquid means that microwaving is the best method for nutrient retention. Seal tightly. Cover with aluminum foil to prevent it from drying out. While the oven retains the most moisture, the microwave is quickest. Pan-frying is also a relatively quick option. Though it doesn’t take as long as the oven, cooking time is slightly longer than microwaving or pan-frying. Too often, reheating pizza results in a soggy, cheesy mess. One way around this is to soak the potatoes in water before putting them in the microwave. Serve with gravy or steak sauce. Reheating leftovers to 75 degrees celsius will kill most bacteria that cause food poisoning – except for several sinister types that don’t play by the rules. This usually takes 4–8 minutes depending on thickness. Food must be heated until it is 82C (176F) throughout to kill any harmful bacteria – and because bacteria can still grow each time food cools back down, you shouldn’t reheat a meal more than once. Make sure your leftovers are cooled quickly, refrigerated and eaten within a few days or frozen for up to several months. Meat is a staple food that's rich in nutrients, but how you cook it matters a great deal. Alternatively, freeze leftovers for 3–4 months. For example, meat takes longer to reheat than vegetables. Food items, such as meat, if kept un-refrigerated for a long time after cooking, become breeding grounds for bacteria and other microorganisms. Frozen leftovers should be properly defrosted before heating by transferring them to your fridge or using the defrost setting on your microwave. However, reheating anything more than a couple of minutes usually results in dry food. Turn them halfway through for even cooking. These bacteria can grow rapidly at fairly high temperatures. When exposed to heat, plastic additives like phthalates can break down and leach into food (Credit: Getty Images). Place the leftovers in an oven-safe dish and cover with. This option requires a bit more time than microwaving but is still speedy. If you do use plastic containers, avoid any that are losing their shape, since old and damaged containers are more likely to leach chemicals. Cooling Some Foods After Cooking Increases Their Resistant Starch. However, it does require more time. However, according to the USDA, temperatures between 40°F–140°F (4.5°C and 60°C) are optimum for breeding bacteria. Join one million Future fans by liking us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter or Instagram. Here are 16 creative uses for used coffee grounds. When you bake bread, you’re exposed to electromagnetic waves and infrared energy from the heating elements of the oven. Place the meat in the pan, cover and heat on a medium-low setting. Food will take longer to reheat if you use equipment before it has preheated. For both measures, vegetables fared better in the microwave compared to being boiled. But another debate lies beyond the culinary disputes – when is microwave cooking bad for you? This method usually takes at least 10–15 minutes. Steam for around 4–5 minutes or until the fish is fully cooked. Next, add the meat and let it heat until warm throughout. But research is limited, compared to the amount of studies looking at phthalates. If you do choose this route, here are some tips to slightly improve the end result. It’s important to remember that, when heating food in a plastic container, exposure also can happen with plastic that doesn’t touch the food, such as a lid. This method usually takes around 5 minutes but depends on the type and amount of meat. It’s still possible to reheat chicken and other red meat safely without drying out your meal. Some research has shown that vegetables lose some of their nutritional value in the microwave. When she analysed them, she found they were high in the chemical acrylamide, which can be a natural by-product of cooking. © 2005-2021 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Use low to medium heat to avoid overcooking. Remember to check that the meat is reheated thoroughly before serving. This is a good option for retaining moisture and taste. Read about our approach to external linking. Leftover pizza is best reheated in the oven or a pan to ensure a crispy base and melted surface. Break up the rice with a fork if it’s stuck together. This method takes the most time but is the best option for moist, succulent leftovers. To keep leftover roasted vegetables crispy and tasty, heat them under a grill or top broiler. When these pre-cooked products are created they are present to far greater temperatures that actually kill any trace of bacteria before it … While it is safe to reheat rice, never do so if it has been left out at room temperature for an extended period. You can also check your container’s universal recycling symbol, often on the bottom of a product – those with a number 3 and the letters “V” or “PVC” include phthalates. When it comes to cooking food in the microwave, there’s a lot to consider. But most experts agree that heating plastic with phthalates can increase exposure. “Under the cooking conditions used in this study, microwaving appeared to be a better way to preserve flavonoids than steaming,” the researchers wrote. A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology analyzed a Salmonella outbreak that occurred due to the reheating of pork in a microwave. However, the thickness of the filet has a big impact on overall flavor. It’s estimated that 1 in 6 Americans gets food poisoning yearly — and 128,000 of these are hospitalized. To prevent splatter, cover the leftovers with a paper towel, sheet of wax paper, or microwave-safe thick plastic cover. Aluminum foil is a common household product often used in cooking. Stir food while reheating to ensure even heating, especially when using a microwave. “At 100C (212F), there’s enough energy to alter the automatic joints between molecules to produce a molecule with much higher energy, which can react with DNA, which induces mutations," says Schwartz. The high temperatures of the microwave may also pose some risk. Phthalates are one of the most commonly used plasticisers, added to make plastic more flexible and often found in takeaway containers, plastic wrap and water bottles. If you don’t have a microwave or are short on time, this is a good method. Add some beef broth or gravy to a deep pan. Although it takes more time, reheating rice in the oven is another good option if a microwave isn’t handy. But other concerns are less clear – including whether microwaving food causes nutrient loss, or whether heating food in plastic can trigger hormone disruption. Add the rice and a splash of water to a saucepan. Steaming and microwaving could even increase content of most flavonoids, which are compounds linked to reduced risk of heart disease. However, if improperly reheated, leftovers can cause food poisoning — which can jeopardize your health. However, the downside is that nutrient loss is a part of every reheating method. Cooking and reheating food can improve digestibility, increase the availability of certain antioxidants and kill potentially harmful bacteria (5, 6). The most common complaints with reheated steak are dried out, rubbery or tasteless meat. There is some research to suggest that microwaves are more favourable to the growth of acrylamide than other methods of cooking. Preheat equipment such as ovens and grills before reheating. Turn the top broiler or grill on medium-high for a few minutes to warm it up. Reheating leftovers not only saves time and money but reduces waste. Food must be heated until it is 82C (176F) throughout to kill any harmful bacteria – and because bacteria can still grow each time food cools back down, you shouldn’t reheat a … Place the food in a microwavable dish, spreading out in an even layer if possible. Because microwaving usually involves less liquid and shorter cooking times, meaning less exposure to heat, it is considered the best reheating method for retaining nutrients (7, 8). The best ways to minimise risk are to use other microwave-safe materials than plastic, such as ceramic. In addition, microwaving is the best method for retaining antioxidant activity in several different foods (11). “Depending on the portion of food that’s heated, there will be some parts that are hotter than others,” says Francisco Diez-Gonzalez, professor of food safety at the University of Georgia. Phthalates are also potential disrupters of thyroid hormones, says Leonardo Trasande, professor of environmental medicine and population health at NYU School of Medicine in New York. Though this is the quickest and most convenient method for reheating pizza, your leftover slice usually ends up sloppy and rubbery. For example, oven cooking’s lengthy duration may result in a greater loss of nutrients than microwaving. Depending on the thickness of the steak, cooking times will vary. “Moderate heat treatment might have been a useful tool in improving health properties of some vegetables,” the researchers write. When exposed to heat, these plastic additives can break down and leach into food. Put the lid on and heat the pizza for 2–3 more minutes until the cheese is melted and the bottom crispy. Casseroles and one-pot dishes are easy to make and reheat. Chicken and certain red meats are best reheated with the same equipment in which they were cooked. Because microwave ovens do not cook food evenly, it is important to measure the food’s temperature in several places. Among other things, these hormones are crucial for babies’ brain development during pregnancy. Put the rice in an oven-safe dish alongside some water. This is the best option if you’re short on time. Generally, leftovers taste best when reheated in the same manner in which they were cooked.

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